Friday, March 15, 2013

Pasta with Olive Oil, Garlic & Veggies

I KNOW I have not written in almost 2 weeks. I have been so busy I haven't even had time to make anything that fun to even put on here.My best friend Colynn visited us last weekend from Florida so we did not cook very much. We had an amazing weekend that went way to fast. This week has been filled with subbing and baseball practice for Jimmy. Lots of late nights. Anyway, I made this one about a week and a half ago and have not been able to sit down and put it on here. So here it is. When I go to Italian restaurants  this is usually my go to dinner. Of course I have made the mistake before of not checking if they add butter which the answer is almost always yes. Just ask them to not add butter and they will do it for you. I just hate how they label it as olive oil and then they add butter but anyway just ask and the chef don't usually have a problem doing it. Of course you can add other vegetables if you would like but I like to keep mine simple. It does not take very long and is delicious.

1 box linguine (or any other pasta)
6 mushrooms
1 head of fresh broccoli
6 cloves garlic
1/3 cup olive oil
garlic salt
vegan Parmesan
Cook pasta according to directions on back of box. While that is cooking slice mushrooms to your liking and cut up the head of broccoli. I like small pieces but if you like them bigger then cut them bigger. Also peel and slice your garlic into thin pieces. In medium pan add about 2 tablespoons olive oil. Add the garlic and broccoli and cook on medium heat until broccoli starts to get soft. Add mushrooms after about 5 minutes and sprinkle with some garlic salt. You may want to add another tablespoon of olive oil at this point as well.Continue cooking until vegetables are cooked through. Once the pasta is done drain and add vegetables with olive oil. Mix together. You may need to add some more olive oil and garlic salt for flavor. Serve hot and use vegan Parmesan to top. 



  1. Yum! I always like to add spinach or greens to my pasta when I'm out too. :)

  2. yes me too! had it the other night when we went out! My guess is when I made this I was all out of spinach! But its defiantly delicious!
